Submission #1709199

Source Code Expand

import * as fs from "fs";

export interface ListGraphEdge {
	to: number;
	cost: number;

export type ListGraphArray = Array<Array<ListGraphEdge>>;

export interface ListGraphConstructorOption {
	no_input_cost?: boolean;
	mutual_edge?: boolean;

export class ListGraph {
	private list: ListGraphArray;
	private _edges: number;
	get edges(): number {
		return this._edges;

	get size(): number {
		return this.list.length;

	constructor(input: ListGraphArray, option?: ListGraphConstructorOption);
	constructor(input: Array<string>, edges: number, index_offset?: number, option?: ListGraphConstructorOption);
	constructor(input: ListGraphArray | Array<string>, a?: ListGraphConstructorOption | number, index_offset?: number, option?: ListGraphConstructorOption) {
		// set default option
		if (typeof a !== "number") option = a;
		if (option === undefined) {
			option = {no_input_cost: false, mutual_edge: false};
		else {
			if (option.no_input_cost === undefined) option.no_input_cost = false;
			if (option.mutual_edge === undefined) option.mutual_edge = false;

		// コンストラクタ引数によって振り分け
		if (typeof a === "number") {
			if (index_offset === undefined) index_offset = 0;
			this.initString(input as Array<string>, a, index_offset, option);
		else if (input.length == 0 || Array.isArray(input[0])) {
			this.initArray(input as ListGraphArray);
		else {
			throw Error("invalid graph input");

	private initArray(input: ListGraphArray) {
		this._edges = 0;
		this.list = new Array<Array<ListGraphEdge>>(input.length);
		for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
			this.list[i] = new Array<ListGraphEdge>();
			for (const edge of input[i]) {
				this.list[i].push({to:, cost: edge.cost});
				this._edges += 1;

	private initString(input: Array<string>, edges: number, index_offset: number, option: ListGraphConstructorOption) {
		this._edges = edges;
		this.list = new Array<Array<ListGraphEdge>>();
		for (let i = 0; i < this.edges; i++) {
			const [from, to, _cost] = input[i + index_offset].split(" ").map((x: string): number => +x);
			let cost = _cost;
			if (option.no_input_cost) cost = 1; // コストが与えられない場合すべてコスト1

			// 未定義部分は[]で埋める
			const len = Math.max(from, to) + 1;
			while (this.list.length < len) {
				this.list.push(new Array<ListGraphEdge>());

			// 辺を張る
			this.list[from].push({to, cost});
			if (option.mutual_edge) this.list[to].push({to: from, cost}); // 双方向に辺を張る
		if (option.mutual_edge) this._edges *= 2;

	getArray(prevent_copy: boolean = false): ListGraphArray {
		if (prevent_copy) return this.list;
		// コピーを返す
		const result = new Array<Array<ListGraphEdge>>(this.list.length);
		for (let i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) {
			result[i] = new Array<ListGraphEdge>();
			for (const edge of this.list[i]) {
				result[i].push({to:, cost: edge.cost});
		return result;

	dijkstra(start: number): { cost: Array<number>, prev: Array<number> } {
		const size = this.list.length;
		const visited = new Array<boolean>(size);
		for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) visited[i] = false;
		const min_cost = new Array<number>(size); // startからの最短距離
		min_cost[start] = 0;
		const prev = new Array<number>(size); // 直前に訪れるノード
		prev[start] = start;

		while (true) {
			let node = -1;
			for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
				if (!visited[i] && (node == -1 || min_cost[i] < min_cost[node])) node = i;
			if (node == -1) break;
			visited[node] = true;
			for (const {to, cost} of this.list[node]) {
				if (cost < 0) {
					throw Error("edge cannot have a cost that is less than 0");
				if (min_cost[node] + cost < min_cost[to]) {
					min_cost[to] = min_cost[node] + cost;
					prev[to] = node;
		return {cost: min_cost, prev};

	// O(VE)
	bellmanFord(start: number): { has_negative_loop: false, cost: Array<number>, prev: Array<number> } | { has_negative_loop: true, cost: Array<number | null>, prev: Array<number | null> } {
		const size = this.list.length;
		const min_cost = new Array<number>(size); // startからの最短距離
		min_cost[start] = 0;
		const prev = new Array<number>(size); // 直前に訪れるノード
		prev[start] = start;
		const correct = new Array<boolean>(size); // 正しい最短経路が求まっているかどうか
		let loop_count = 0;
		let flg_contain_negative = false;
		let flg_update = true;
		while (flg_update) {
			flg_update = false;
			for (let from = 0; from < size; from++) {
				for (const {to, cost} of this.list[from]) {
					if (min_cost[from] != Infinity && min_cost[to] > min_cost[from] + cost) {
						min_cost[to] = min_cost[from] + cost;
						prev[to] = from;
						flg_update = true;
						if (flg_contain_negative) {
							// V回目以降に最短距離が更新されるなら、負閉路を通っているので正しくない
							correct[to] = false;
			loop_count += 1;
			if (loop_count == size) {
				// 頂点の数だけ更新してもループがとまらない -> 負閉路が存在する
				flg_contain_negative = true;
			if (loop_count == size * 2) break; // 頂点の数*2回より多くループする意味はない
		if (flg_contain_negative) {
			// 正しく最短距離が求められない頂点の結果はnullとする
			const min_cost_with_undefined: Array<number | null> = min_cost;
			const prev_with_undefined: Array<number | null> = prev;
			for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
				if (!correct[i]) {
					min_cost_with_undefined[i] = prev_with_undefined[i] = null;
			return {has_negative_loop: true, cost: min_cost_with_undefined, prev: prev_with_undefined};
		else {
			return {has_negative_loop: false, cost: min_cost, prev};

let input = (fs.readFileSync("/dev/stdin", "utf8") as string).split("\n");
const [n, x] = input[0].split(" ").map((x: string): number => +x);
const h = input[1].split(" ").map((x: string): number => +x);

const g = new ListGraph(input, n - 1, 2, {mutual_edge: true, no_input_cost: true}).getArray(true);
const dfs = (pos: number, back: number): { len: number, skip: boolean } => {
	// console.log("dfs:", pos, back);
	let len = 1;
	let skip = h[pos-1] !== 1;
	// 掘り下げる
	for (const {to} of g[pos]) {
		if (to === back) continue;
		const tmp = dfs(to, pos);
		if (!tmp.skip) {
			skip = false;
			len += tmp.len;
			// console.log(len);
	if(skip) len = 0;
	return {len, skip};

console.log((dfs(x, 0).len-1)*2);

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task B - ツリーグラフ
User tatamo
Language TypeScript (2.1.6)
Score 0
Code Size 6918 Byte
Status RE
Exec Time 55 ms
Memory 7500 KB

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 0 / 100
AC × 2
AC × 17
WA × 1
RE × 2
Set Name Test Cases
Sample subtask0_sample_01.txt, subtask0_sample_02.txt
All subtask0_sample_01.txt, subtask0_sample_02.txt, subtask1_line01.txt, subtask1_line02.txt, subtask1_line03.txt, subtask1_line04.txt, subtask1_line05.txt, subtask1_line06.txt, subtask1_random01.txt, subtask1_random02.txt, subtask1_random03.txt, subtask1_random04.txt, subtask1_random05.txt, subtask1_random06.txt, subtask1_random07.txt, subtask1_random08.txt, subtask1_special01.txt, subtask1_special02.txt, subtask1_special03.txt, subtask1_special04.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
subtask0_sample_01.txt AC 54 ms 7500 KB
subtask0_sample_02.txt AC 54 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_line01.txt RE 53 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_line02.txt AC 53 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_line03.txt AC 53 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_line04.txt AC 53 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_line05.txt AC 54 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_line06.txt WA 53 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_random01.txt AC 53 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_random02.txt AC 53 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_random03.txt AC 53 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_random04.txt AC 53 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_random05.txt AC 53 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_random06.txt AC 53 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_random07.txt AC 53 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_random08.txt AC 55 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_special01.txt RE 53 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_special02.txt AC 53 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_special03.txt AC 53 ms 7372 KB
subtask1_special04.txt AC 52 ms 7372 KB